courtsey of some right wing blogger

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I am so............confused

The other night on the radio, Dr.Savage Weiner told me on his show that Obama hates America, yes again, and yea he hates our military.  Then, last night on the Barbara Walters interview with the president, President Obama mentioned that all the proceeds of his new book will be going to the children of military personnel who died in combat.  Does he really hate our military? is this just another ploy to trick us before he requires all of us to convert to Islam and impose sharia law?  Well every one except Oklahoma because they were smart enough to preempt him on that, way to go Okies!

I hope others were listening to Hannity again, Brigette was screaming at the same fool they always put up against her.  He reminds me of the hapless Washington Generals from old Globetrotters fame.  She might someday learn that Americans are just not that interested or afraid of Muslims and we really do not care what the Qua ran says about killing all infidels.  Religious people will always be saying ridiculous things because they try to force two thousand year old ideas on modern times.  I am sorry, but if you can not figure out by yourself on how to be a good person and respect other people then you will be destined to be another foolish parrot reciting verse and paragraph of some one else.

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