courtsey of some right wing blogger

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is Weiner the Reincarnation of Don Quixote

Michael Dr. Savage Weiner has developed a odd bit of paranoia, he is constantly going into yelling fits so severe that his program manager needs to arrange for a commercial.  Last night, I hit the AM 810 dial and Dr.Weiner was going off about some people, I am not sure who, that are attacking the middle class and he (we) the people will not stand for it.  I thought the old fool was going to have a heart attack. Is he our Don Quixote, protecting us from the evil government?  Perhaps, I am not sure, he never did disclosed the person(s) in the ten minutes he was ranting on just what the issue was.  He should know better as a radio guy that people are constantly logging on and you need to go back to the subject matter now and then but like I said in previous posts, Dr Savage Weiner is just not the great radio personality he once was.  To use a line of Dr. Savage Weiner, I digress, what a joke, is he expecting me to believe he represents the middle class.

I know now that the NY Times represents all things liberal but hopefully you(s) caught the weekend in review from Sunday November 14th.  The journalist, David Leonhart, created a puzzle like approach to solving the budget.  It was a simplistic view but it helped readers understand the magnitude of the problem.  I recommend it for all people who want to get the budget back in the hands of the American people and out of the hands of self serving politicians.  Sorry for the mass generalization, I try to stay away from that kind of stuff.

Link to budget puzzle:

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