courtsey of some right wing blogger

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Afternoon Delight

It is not often that I am in the car in the afternoon, but today was the day we honor our troops and I was given the day off.  I was taking my son to the dentist and I was able to listen to the master of right wing propaganda, Rush, the king, Limbaugh.  He had this piece where he was poking fun at some Reverend who was saying that when health care coverage is repealed, young poor children will go to school without health care coverage.  Like always, when something is taking out of context, it is difficult to understand exactly what reverend so and so was trying to say but that did stop the master spin doctor to start ridiculing this guy.  It appears to Rush that everybody has health care and we shouldn't try to change the entire system for a few hopeless people.  Sounds like a good point if you have health care and most likely even more of an obviously great point if you have excellent health care.  After Rush made his point he said which of you listening right now, does not have health care, right nobody"  (I am ad libbing this).  My fifteen year old immediately said, "what is he talking about, people who are poor are taking the bus and are not listening to the car radio, what a jerk".  Sometimes it takes a kid to call 'em as they see 'em.

Rush comes off to me as one of those know it all types, who tries to make others feel stupid.  He constantly talks about how big government is telling every one how to run their lives but then he has a radio program telling every one how his way is the best way to run your life and as Rush says seriously folks, can't you get it, it just so obvious.  What a jerk.

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