courtsey of some right wing blogger

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Governing through Press Release

All the gushing today was on the big land slide.  Every one talking about Phase II, making President Obama a one term president.  This will be the talk for the next two years.  Those unfortunate tea party people who really wanted to make a difference will realize that being part of the Republican party is just one giant press show.  How many people can repeat the mantra Repeal and Replace?  You know that there will never be a Replace, it goes against their whole concept of small government serving their own needs.   But  Repeal and Replace got them elected and many people fell for it. 

After working  through twelve years for the governorship of George Pataki, I was able to see Governing through Press Release at its best.  When George took over he required that our environmental agency call all people and industries coming before us, customers.  George learned early that industry would cut major corners if not watched closely and his Administration got burned soon after taking office.  For the next ten years, his press people would publish an article a day claiming that "through the leadership of George Pataki" another great environmental accomplishment occurred.  Unfortunately for the people of New York, nothing ever occurred.  His press people were so good, he left office known as the "Green Governor".

On today's Sean Hannity show, he was poking fun at Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity" for having a Muslim radical on the stage, the ex-Cat Stevens.  Cat Stevens went Muslim way before the radical extremist movement hit the world stage.  They had some old clips asking Cat Stevens if he thought Solomon Rushdie should be killed and he said something to the effect that this is what the Qur'an would say if someone takes the prophet's name in vain. Hannity brings on his two experts, two Indian individuals who "speak the truth" about Islam, one who tries to say Islam is a peaceful religion and the other who tries to tell us how Jihad is the only thing  the Qur'an tells us.  I have heard these two on the show before and it is so scripted it is insulting.

What I will say about Satanic Verses is that Rushdie should die for printing that book.  It was easily one of the worst books I ever read.  It was childish and confusing and it was difficult to even find out why the Muslims were so excited, except for the only funny part where this guy runs a brothel and each lady pretends to represent one of the prophets wives.  Rushdie does go on to say that the only reason Muslims subjugate woman is because they are afraid of woman.

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