courtsey of some right wing blogger

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post Election Hang Over

How can anyone not be addicted to right wing radio.  I only get to listen in the car but it is by far the most interesting three hours of my day.  Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush and the guest hosts are part of the greatest political propaganda machine in the 21st century.  The 2010 mid-term election proved that.  These guys had the entire Midwest convinced that the socialist Obama hated America and hated the military and well lets face it, Obama hates every one except liberals.

The election was great.  Now the Republican-conservative-tea bags need to put out.  I want first and foremost that Social Security be raised to the minimum age of 67 years old.  I want Medicare and Medicaid cut 10 percent across the board.  Doctors need to take less, old people need to give up something for our children,and if that means less patients having access to private health care, so be it.  The tea party has great ideas, cut spending, well spending has three major outlets, SS, Medicare and Medicaid.  The ex-congressman J.C Watts, from Oklahoma on Sean Hannity's show today tried to convince people that government had plenty of waste in its agencies and all agencies could be cut by 15 percent and nothing would happen.  He also mentioned that paperwork like "permits" was slowly down the drilling in Oklahoma now that the moratorium had been lifted.  Congressman, government agencies have been cut to the bone for the last 15 years, there is no room for waste except perhaps to cut political appointees with bloated salaries in government agencies.  Why do I not believe Mr. Watts never put a crony in a position of power.

I need to also address the J.C Watts comment on why "liberals" hate Sarah Palin.  He thinks liberals hate her because she is attractive, smart and has something good to say for America.  I am no liberal, I think of myself as a fiscal conservative, social libertarian, and my take on Sarah Palin is that she is a quitter.  The people elected her governor and she decides she needs a better job, a much better paying job.  That is a quitter and I will never have any respect for her.  And Sean, please stop referring to her as Governor Palin.  Try Quitter-Governor Palin.  At first, I liked the tea party ideas but just couldn't see me being identified with a quitter and then lets face it, Glen Beck, really now.

Senator Jim De Mint just got my vote.  On CNN he said "he will be putting a moratorium on ear marks".  That is cutting I can agree with.

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