courtsey of some right wing blogger

Monday, November 8, 2010

How did this happen

How does one get addicted to right-wing radio, or as Sean Hannity calls it, conservative talk radio.  Several years ago, during the lead up to the 2006 election, I was cc:d on a friend's e-mail where some guy started ranting and raving about the evil-liberal NY Times and he could not wait till the paper shut-down which was as he dutifully explained based upon recent earnings reports, the timing was eminent.  I naively e-mailed him back asking why he hated the NY Times, a newspaper that was always in my home growing up and lets face it, as a New Yorker who is able to read at a proficient grade level, truly beats the Post, Daily News and maybe Newsday but Newsday is a good paper too.  I always knew that the editors had their opinion about political issues but not that it seemed over the top like I was being brain washed.  Little did I know, I was being brain-washed, and the Times had a direct link to everything liberal in this country.  After this,he told me that Obama was known to associate with terrorists, Bill Ayers, and also malcontents like the Reverend Wright who was found damming the United States on YouTube.  Again, I stated naively, that for me this wasn't the first time I heard of an angry black guy and then my new friend went on an even bigger tirade about how blacks in this country have it good now and they should stop complaining.  And then the eye opener for me was his next statement about the Irish in this country have been discriminated against and he said "Haven't you ever heard of Irish Catholics need not apply".  At this point, he told me I was too stupid to deal with any more and that I shouldn't write back.

That was an eye opener.  I made it my business to find out where this guy developed his hatred for the New York Times and all those liberals you were stealing his freedom.  It wasn't that hard, after one google search for Irish Catholics need not apply , Sean Hannity's name came up and I started listening to his radio program in the car.  It seemed that many right wing broadcasters were on AM radio and the rest is history, I was hooked.

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