courtsey of some right wing blogger

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is Brigitte a Screamer?

Who is Brigitte Gabriel?  According to Wikipedia: She frequently speaks at American conservative-leaning organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, Christians United for Israel, Evangelicals and Jewish groups, and says she gives voice to "what many in America are thinking but afraid to say out loud, for fear of being labeled a racist, bigot, Islamophobic, or intolerant".  This woman has become a regular on Hannity's afternoon show and all she does is scream over the idiot guest Hannity has trapped into coming on his shows.  The guest expects to discuss issues but Hannity just finds a point ,such as today's which was "Does the guest, a friend of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, (the notorious ground zero iman), agree with Rauf that America is responsible for creating Osama bin dickhead.  I added the dickhead part.  The guest was trying to explain the history of American funding of radicals in Afghanistan going back to the 1980's and yes we were really funding these guys and teaching them about the importance of independence similar to how the French taught Ho Chi Min about independence and democracy.  The US on the other hand, supports dictatorships like the monarchy in Saudi Arabia and then we are all surprised that people hate us.  So to me the statement of did Americans created Osama bin dickhead is not to far fetch.  But, getting back to our heroine, she does not want to hear anything remotely close to such nonsense, in her opinions all Muslims hate America, it is taught in their religion and they are coming after us.  She always starts talking over Hannity's guests, in fact I would say she was screaming over Hannity's guests. 

I still say that if we reduce our dependence on foreign oil, maybe, twenty percent for a start, it would go a long way of leaving the Middle East to the Arabs and Persians to fight to the death to determine which Muslim is the true decedent of Mohammad.  Oh no, I wrote Mohammad, now someone will want to blow my blog.

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