courtsey of some right wing blogger

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Too Scan or Not To Scan

The latest airway sensation has started.  The socialist Obama-Neo(fascist)politano is trying to make us do full body scans or full body gropings known as "Hey don't touch my junk" checks.  Conservative radio knows this is a full frontal assault on your freedom, and they have the public starting to spin. Once again socialists know what is best for you and your safety.  I am guessing if the shoes were switched, the radio talking gods would be crying "Democrats light on security".   Once you are in tune to the conservative spin machine, it really is a pleasure to see it in action.  Immediately, the callers start on Hannity telling him, no way anyone can violate me like that, when will this socialist menace stop.

I needed to go get my daughter's flute from the shop today and was able to catch a few minutes of Rush the King Limbaugh.  He was calling unemployment benefits, "Benefits" as if this was a bad word.  He was using the Rush mind trick on his hapless audience, if he used the word benefits long enough, repeating it over and over, equating this with lazy people who don't work, enjoy being laid off and never intend to work again and of course they are Obama supporters because Obama will support them for ever.  Hard working Americans have to prop up this vermin.  He was using the term Jobs with Benefits, as a bad thing.  Jobs with Benefits means to me a job where you get health insurance, potentially a employer matching 401(k) plan and maybe an eye-glass plan.  Only liberal scum expect this from a true American employer, freedom loving people would rather starve than get a Job with Benefits.  Freedom-loving people start their own businesses and hire liberal leaning vermin who expect others to support them.  Rush should know, he created an empire from nothing.

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