courtsey of some right wing blogger

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cut the Beef

So much has happen since I was last able to listen to Hannity and the gang.  A bag of Somali puke pus, as described by Dr. Savage Weiner, tried to blow up Portland's Christmas tree lighting ceremony and he, Herr Weiner, successfully blamed the whole thing on liberals on the west coast.  The logic was flawless and of course. I hate liberals more than ever.  Why do liberals support radical Somali Muslims?  But really, the real issue keeping the airways jumping is the talk of letting the current tax rate rise up to the same level under Clinton, aka the Bush tax cuts.

How can anybody disagree with Hannity when he asks the caller "Do you want the government to raise your taxes", everyone says no.  The new direction of Sean's show should be where does the country go next or how I think it should be called Cut the Beef.  He is no different than every other conservative guy or gal; they all have the same play book, please do not raise the taxes of small business people, they are our job creators.  I am not sure what happens to the economy if the government does extend the tax cuts, will small business people start creating jobs, jobs that they haven't created in the last twelve months.  I have read that the population of those people making over 250,000 dollars a year and are small business owners is anywhere from 3 percent to 50 percent, most likely somewhere closer to the former.  Hannity tends to glorify these people but none of us know of any teachers, fireman or policeman who make over 250,000 dollars a year.

So, no new tax hikes happen, therefore we are in the same boat we are currently in, we have the same income generation, OK, something must be cut.  We could start cutting teachers, education is a large part of federal and state budgets.  We could cut the military but during a time of war?  Social Security? bloated buracracies like the Center for Disease Control,  What do we cut?  I wish the conservative think tanks would start supplying the radio hosts with these ideas and they could dedicate the next month to less liberal wining and Obama Overthrow and start talking about some real issues.

Forbes magazine had an article on the top five CEOs  with the worst performance over the last six years but were paid ridiculous sums of money.  The winner was the CEO of Capital One with an annual salary of 66 million dollars a year and an average profit loss of 6 percent per year over the past six years.  For some reason I did not feel bad about seeing this guy's taxes go up but as Sean says, I am a socialist liberal who wants to see a redistribution of wealth.

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