The other night on the radio, Dr.Savage Weiner told me on his show that Obama hates America, yes again, and yea he hates our military. Then, last night on the Barbara Walters interview with the president, President Obama mentioned that all the proceeds of his new book will be going to the children of military personnel who died in combat. Does he really hate our military? is this just another ploy to trick us before he requires all of us to convert to Islam and impose sharia law? Well every one except Oklahoma because they were smart enough to preempt him on that, way to go Okies!
I hope others were listening to Hannity again, Brigette was screaming at the same fool they always put up against her. He reminds me of the hapless Washington Generals from old Globetrotters fame. She might someday learn that Americans are just not that interested or afraid of Muslims and we really do not care what the Qua ran says about killing all infidels. Religious people will always be saying ridiculous things because they try to force two thousand year old ideas on modern times. I am sorry, but if you can not figure out by yourself on how to be a good person and respect other people then you will be destined to be another foolish parrot reciting verse and paragraph of some one else.

courtsey of some right wing blogger
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Is Brigitte a Screamer?
Who is Brigitte Gabriel? According to Wikipedia: She frequently speaks at American conservative-leaning organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, Christians United for Israel, Evangelicals and Jewish groups, and says she gives voice to "what many in America are thinking but afraid to say out loud, for fear of being labeled a racist, bigot, Islamophobic, or intolerant". This woman has become a regular on Hannity's afternoon show and all she does is scream over the idiot guest Hannity has trapped into coming on his shows. The guest expects to discuss issues but Hannity just finds a point ,such as today's which was "Does the guest, a friend of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, (the notorious ground zero iman), agree with Rauf that America is responsible for creating Osama bin dickhead. I added the dickhead part. The guest was trying to explain the history of American funding of radicals in Afghanistan going back to the 1980's and yes we were really funding these guys and teaching them about the importance of independence similar to how the French taught Ho Chi Min about independence and democracy. The US on the other hand, supports dictatorships like the monarchy in Saudi Arabia and then we are all surprised that people hate us. So to me the statement of did Americans created Osama bin dickhead is not to far fetch. But, getting back to our heroine, she does not want to hear anything remotely close to such nonsense, in her opinions all Muslims hate America, it is taught in their religion and they are coming after us. She always starts talking over Hannity's guests, in fact I would say she was screaming over Hannity's guests.
I still say that if we reduce our dependence on foreign oil, maybe, twenty percent for a start, it would go a long way of leaving the Middle East to the Arabs and Persians to fight to the death to determine which Muslim is the true decedent of Mohammad. Oh no, I wrote Mohammad, now someone will want to blow my blog.
I still say that if we reduce our dependence on foreign oil, maybe, twenty percent for a start, it would go a long way of leaving the Middle East to the Arabs and Persians to fight to the death to determine which Muslim is the true decedent of Mohammad. Oh no, I wrote Mohammad, now someone will want to blow my blog.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Too Scan or Not To Scan
The latest airway sensation has started. The socialist Obama-Neo(fascist)politano is trying to make us do full body scans or full body gropings known as "Hey don't touch my junk" checks. Conservative radio knows this is a full frontal assault on your freedom, and they have the public starting to spin. Once again socialists know what is best for you and your safety. I am guessing if the shoes were switched, the radio talking gods would be crying "Democrats light on security". Once you are in tune to the conservative spin machine, it really is a pleasure to see it in action. Immediately, the callers start on Hannity telling him, no way anyone can violate me like that, when will this socialist menace stop.
I needed to go get my daughter's flute from the shop today and was able to catch a few minutes of Rush the King Limbaugh. He was calling unemployment benefits, "Benefits" as if this was a bad word. He was using the Rush mind trick on his hapless audience, if he used the word benefits long enough, repeating it over and over, equating this with lazy people who don't work, enjoy being laid off and never intend to work again and of course they are Obama supporters because Obama will support them for ever. Hard working Americans have to prop up this vermin. He was using the term Jobs with Benefits, as a bad thing. Jobs with Benefits means to me a job where you get health insurance, potentially a employer matching 401(k) plan and maybe an eye-glass plan. Only liberal scum expect this from a true American employer, freedom loving people would rather starve than get a Job with Benefits. Freedom-loving people start their own businesses and hire liberal leaning vermin who expect others to support them. Rush should know, he created an empire from nothing.
I needed to go get my daughter's flute from the shop today and was able to catch a few minutes of Rush the King Limbaugh. He was calling unemployment benefits, "Benefits" as if this was a bad word. He was using the Rush mind trick on his hapless audience, if he used the word benefits long enough, repeating it over and over, equating this with lazy people who don't work, enjoy being laid off and never intend to work again and of course they are Obama supporters because Obama will support them for ever. Hard working Americans have to prop up this vermin. He was using the term Jobs with Benefits, as a bad thing. Jobs with Benefits means to me a job where you get health insurance, potentially a employer matching 401(k) plan and maybe an eye-glass plan. Only liberal scum expect this from a true American employer, freedom loving people would rather starve than get a Job with Benefits. Freedom-loving people start their own businesses and hire liberal leaning vermin who expect others to support them. Rush should know, he created an empire from nothing.
Is Weiner the Reincarnation of Don Quixote
Michael Dr. Savage Weiner has developed a odd bit of paranoia, he is constantly going into yelling fits so severe that his program manager needs to arrange for a commercial. Last night, I hit the AM 810 dial and Dr.Weiner was going off about some people, I am not sure who, that are attacking the middle class and he (we) the people will not stand for it. I thought the old fool was going to have a heart attack. Is he our Don Quixote, protecting us from the evil government? Perhaps, I am not sure, he never did disclosed the person(s) in the ten minutes he was ranting on just what the issue was. He should know better as a radio guy that people are constantly logging on and you need to go back to the subject matter now and then but like I said in previous posts, Dr Savage Weiner is just not the great radio personality he once was. To use a line of Dr. Savage Weiner, I digress, what a joke, is he expecting me to believe he represents the middle class.
I know now that the NY Times represents all things liberal but hopefully you(s) caught the weekend in review from Sunday November 14th. The journalist, David Leonhart, created a puzzle like approach to solving the budget. It was a simplistic view but it helped readers understand the magnitude of the problem. I recommend it for all people who want to get the budget back in the hands of the American people and out of the hands of self serving politicians. Sorry for the mass generalization, I try to stay away from that kind of stuff.
Link to budget puzzle:
I know now that the NY Times represents all things liberal but hopefully you(s) caught the weekend in review from Sunday November 14th. The journalist, David Leonhart, created a puzzle like approach to solving the budget. It was a simplistic view but it helped readers understand the magnitude of the problem. I recommend it for all people who want to get the budget back in the hands of the American people and out of the hands of self serving politicians. Sorry for the mass generalization, I try to stay away from that kind of stuff.
Link to budget puzzle:
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Afternoon Delight
It is not often that I am in the car in the afternoon, but today was the day we honor our troops and I was given the day off. I was taking my son to the dentist and I was able to listen to the master of right wing propaganda, Rush, the king, Limbaugh. He had this piece where he was poking fun at some Reverend who was saying that when health care coverage is repealed, young poor children will go to school without health care coverage. Like always, when something is taking out of context, it is difficult to understand exactly what reverend so and so was trying to say but that did stop the master spin doctor to start ridiculing this guy. It appears to Rush that everybody has health care and we shouldn't try to change the entire system for a few hopeless people. Sounds like a good point if you have health care and most likely even more of an obviously great point if you have excellent health care. After Rush made his point he said which of you listening right now, does not have health care, right nobody" (I am ad libbing this). My fifteen year old immediately said, "what is he talking about, people who are poor are taking the bus and are not listening to the car radio, what a jerk". Sometimes it takes a kid to call 'em as they see 'em.
Rush comes off to me as one of those know it all types, who tries to make others feel stupid. He constantly talks about how big government is telling every one how to run their lives but then he has a radio program telling every one how his way is the best way to run your life and as Rush says seriously folks, can't you get it, it just so obvious. What a jerk.
Rush comes off to me as one of those know it all types, who tries to make others feel stupid. He constantly talks about how big government is telling every one how to run their lives but then he has a radio program telling every one how his way is the best way to run your life and as Rush says seriously folks, can't you get it, it just so obvious. What a jerk.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Savage Weiner Man
What can I say about my man, Michael (Weiner) Savage? Why doesn't Doctor Savage, as his listeners call him, use his real name? He proclaims to be the expert of all things living and I can appreciate that but listeners treat his ideas like the word of god. He has written several books, I haven't gotten around to reading any of them yet, I am waiting for the books to go to the library because I refuse to pay for his garble.
Tonight's show, he explained to us that the socialist president Obama was visiting his Muslim homeland, Indonesia. He went on and on how the President was visiting the madrasa (Muslim school) where he was brain washed in the ways of Muslim hatred. This quickly brought out all the "birther" listeners with their own crazed fears. I have been listening to Dr. Weiner for several years. At first, his stories on life was interesting enough for the car drives back and forth from swim practice. But, since Obama has been elected, Dr. Weiner has developed a odd bit of paranoia, he is obsessed with the belief that Obama is not just incompetent but truly plotting to change our country into some socialist nation similar to Venezuela. He has his devoted listeners believing some crazy stuff. I am always amazed when I listen to his callers who truly believe that there is some master plan. I have a saying, and it has served me well through many years of government service, "It is not a conspiracy, it is incompetence."
Tonight's show, he explained to us that the socialist president Obama was visiting his Muslim homeland, Indonesia. He went on and on how the President was visiting the madrasa (Muslim school) where he was brain washed in the ways of Muslim hatred. This quickly brought out all the "birther" listeners with their own crazed fears. I have been listening to Dr. Weiner for several years. At first, his stories on life was interesting enough for the car drives back and forth from swim practice. But, since Obama has been elected, Dr. Weiner has developed a odd bit of paranoia, he is obsessed with the belief that Obama is not just incompetent but truly plotting to change our country into some socialist nation similar to Venezuela. He has his devoted listeners believing some crazy stuff. I am always amazed when I listen to his callers who truly believe that there is some master plan. I have a saying, and it has served me well through many years of government service, "It is not a conspiracy, it is incompetence."
Monday, November 8, 2010
How did this happen
How does one get addicted to right-wing radio, or as Sean Hannity calls it, conservative talk radio. Several years ago, during the lead up to the 2006 election, I was cc:d on a friend's e-mail where some guy started ranting and raving about the evil-liberal NY Times and he could not wait till the paper shut-down which was as he dutifully explained based upon recent earnings reports, the timing was eminent. I naively e-mailed him back asking why he hated the NY Times, a newspaper that was always in my home growing up and lets face it, as a New Yorker who is able to read at a proficient grade level, truly beats the Post, Daily News and maybe Newsday but Newsday is a good paper too. I always knew that the editors had their opinion about political issues but not that it seemed over the top like I was being brain washed. Little did I know, I was being brain-washed, and the Times had a direct link to everything liberal in this country. After this,he told me that Obama was known to associate with terrorists, Bill Ayers, and also malcontents like the Reverend Wright who was found damming the United States on YouTube. Again, I stated naively, that for me this wasn't the first time I heard of an angry black guy and then my new friend went on an even bigger tirade about how blacks in this country have it good now and they should stop complaining. And then the eye opener for me was his next statement about the Irish in this country have been discriminated against and he said "Haven't you ever heard of Irish Catholics need not apply". At this point, he told me I was too stupid to deal with any more and that I shouldn't write back.
That was an eye opener. I made it my business to find out where this guy developed his hatred for the New York Times and all those liberals you were stealing his freedom. It wasn't that hard, after one google search for Irish Catholics need not apply , Sean Hannity's name came up and I started listening to his radio program in the car. It seemed that many right wing broadcasters were on AM radio and the rest is history, I was hooked.
That was an eye opener. I made it my business to find out where this guy developed his hatred for the New York Times and all those liberals you were stealing his freedom. It wasn't that hard, after one google search for Irish Catholics need not apply , Sean Hannity's name came up and I started listening to his radio program in the car. It seemed that many right wing broadcasters were on AM radio and the rest is history, I was hooked.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Scared Silly in Oklahoma
Can you believe it. Oklahoma passed a law so the good citizens of the great state of Oklahoma will never be able to establish Sharia law in their lifetimes. Talk about the power of the Republican power press. To believe that Fox and friends could convince people that this can even happen is amazing to me. Well, we can only add this to "things likely to never happen".
I am not sure where we go now as a country. I would like to see jobs as the number one priority but most newly elected representatives are talking about repealing health care. Ironic because they have as much chance as Oklahoma enacting Sharia law as they having the ability to repeal any health care law. I hope small business get a chance to benefit from this big Republican win, it is funny that a small business law was just passed and nobody speaks of it.
I am not sure where we go now as a country. I would like to see jobs as the number one priority but most newly elected representatives are talking about repealing health care. Ironic because they have as much chance as Oklahoma enacting Sharia law as they having the ability to repeal any health care law. I hope small business get a chance to benefit from this big Republican win, it is funny that a small business law was just passed and nobody speaks of it.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Governing through Press Release
All the gushing today was on the big land slide. Every one talking about Phase II, making President Obama a one term president. This will be the talk for the next two years. Those unfortunate tea party people who really wanted to make a difference will realize that being part of the Republican party is just one giant press show. How many people can repeat the mantra Repeal and Replace? You know that there will never be a Replace, it goes against their whole concept of small government serving their own needs. But Repeal and Replace got them elected and many people fell for it.
After working through twelve years for the governorship of George Pataki, I was able to see Governing through Press Release at its best. When George took over he required that our environmental agency call all people and industries coming before us, customers. George learned early that industry would cut major corners if not watched closely and his Administration got burned soon after taking office. For the next ten years, his press people would publish an article a day claiming that "through the leadership of George Pataki" another great environmental accomplishment occurred. Unfortunately for the people of New York, nothing ever occurred. His press people were so good, he left office known as the "Green Governor".
On today's Sean Hannity show, he was poking fun at Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity" for having a Muslim radical on the stage, the ex-Cat Stevens. Cat Stevens went Muslim way before the radical extremist movement hit the world stage. They had some old clips asking Cat Stevens if he thought Solomon Rushdie should be killed and he said something to the effect that this is what the Qur'an would say if someone takes the prophet's name in vain. Hannity brings on his two experts, two Indian individuals who "speak the truth" about Islam, one who tries to say Islam is a peaceful religion and the other who tries to tell us how Jihad is the only thing the Qur'an tells us. I have heard these two on the show before and it is so scripted it is insulting.
What I will say about Satanic Verses is that Rushdie should die for printing that book. It was easily one of the worst books I ever read. It was childish and confusing and it was difficult to even find out why the Muslims were so excited, except for the only funny part where this guy runs a brothel and each lady pretends to represent one of the prophets wives. Rushdie does go on to say that the only reason Muslims subjugate woman is because they are afraid of woman.
After working through twelve years for the governorship of George Pataki, I was able to see Governing through Press Release at its best. When George took over he required that our environmental agency call all people and industries coming before us, customers. George learned early that industry would cut major corners if not watched closely and his Administration got burned soon after taking office. For the next ten years, his press people would publish an article a day claiming that "through the leadership of George Pataki" another great environmental accomplishment occurred. Unfortunately for the people of New York, nothing ever occurred. His press people were so good, he left office known as the "Green Governor".
On today's Sean Hannity show, he was poking fun at Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity" for having a Muslim radical on the stage, the ex-Cat Stevens. Cat Stevens went Muslim way before the radical extremist movement hit the world stage. They had some old clips asking Cat Stevens if he thought Solomon Rushdie should be killed and he said something to the effect that this is what the Qur'an would say if someone takes the prophet's name in vain. Hannity brings on his two experts, two Indian individuals who "speak the truth" about Islam, one who tries to say Islam is a peaceful religion and the other who tries to tell us how Jihad is the only thing the Qur'an tells us. I have heard these two on the show before and it is so scripted it is insulting.
What I will say about Satanic Verses is that Rushdie should die for printing that book. It was easily one of the worst books I ever read. It was childish and confusing and it was difficult to even find out why the Muslims were so excited, except for the only funny part where this guy runs a brothel and each lady pretends to represent one of the prophets wives. Rushdie does go on to say that the only reason Muslims subjugate woman is because they are afraid of woman.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Post Election Hang Over
How can anyone not be addicted to right wing radio. I only get to listen in the car but it is by far the most interesting three hours of my day. Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush and the guest hosts are part of the greatest political propaganda machine in the 21st century. The 2010 mid-term election proved that. These guys had the entire Midwest convinced that the socialist Obama hated America and hated the military and well lets face it, Obama hates every one except liberals.
The election was great. Now the Republican-conservative-tea bags need to put out. I want first and foremost that Social Security be raised to the minimum age of 67 years old. I want Medicare and Medicaid cut 10 percent across the board. Doctors need to take less, old people need to give up something for our children,and if that means less patients having access to private health care, so be it. The tea party has great ideas, cut spending, well spending has three major outlets, SS, Medicare and Medicaid. The ex-congressman J.C Watts, from Oklahoma on Sean Hannity's show today tried to convince people that government had plenty of waste in its agencies and all agencies could be cut by 15 percent and nothing would happen. He also mentioned that paperwork like "permits" was slowly down the drilling in Oklahoma now that the moratorium had been lifted. Congressman, government agencies have been cut to the bone for the last 15 years, there is no room for waste except perhaps to cut political appointees with bloated salaries in government agencies. Why do I not believe Mr. Watts never put a crony in a position of power.
I need to also address the J.C Watts comment on why "liberals" hate Sarah Palin. He thinks liberals hate her because she is attractive, smart and has something good to say for America. I am no liberal, I think of myself as a fiscal conservative, social libertarian, and my take on Sarah Palin is that she is a quitter. The people elected her governor and she decides she needs a better job, a much better paying job. That is a quitter and I will never have any respect for her. And Sean, please stop referring to her as Governor Palin. Try Quitter-Governor Palin. At first, I liked the tea party ideas but just couldn't see me being identified with a quitter and then lets face it, Glen Beck, really now.
Senator Jim De Mint just got my vote. On CNN he said "he will be putting a moratorium on ear marks". That is cutting I can agree with.
The election was great. Now the Republican-conservative-tea bags need to put out. I want first and foremost that Social Security be raised to the minimum age of 67 years old. I want Medicare and Medicaid cut 10 percent across the board. Doctors need to take less, old people need to give up something for our children,and if that means less patients having access to private health care, so be it. The tea party has great ideas, cut spending, well spending has three major outlets, SS, Medicare and Medicaid. The ex-congressman J.C Watts, from Oklahoma on Sean Hannity's show today tried to convince people that government had plenty of waste in its agencies and all agencies could be cut by 15 percent and nothing would happen. He also mentioned that paperwork like "permits" was slowly down the drilling in Oklahoma now that the moratorium had been lifted. Congressman, government agencies have been cut to the bone for the last 15 years, there is no room for waste except perhaps to cut political appointees with bloated salaries in government agencies. Why do I not believe Mr. Watts never put a crony in a position of power.
I need to also address the J.C Watts comment on why "liberals" hate Sarah Palin. He thinks liberals hate her because she is attractive, smart and has something good to say for America. I am no liberal, I think of myself as a fiscal conservative, social libertarian, and my take on Sarah Palin is that she is a quitter. The people elected her governor and she decides she needs a better job, a much better paying job. That is a quitter and I will never have any respect for her. And Sean, please stop referring to her as Governor Palin. Try Quitter-Governor Palin. At first, I liked the tea party ideas but just couldn't see me being identified with a quitter and then lets face it, Glen Beck, really now.
Senator Jim De Mint just got my vote. On CNN he said "he will be putting a moratorium on ear marks". That is cutting I can agree with.
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