courtsey of some right wing blogger

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blogging Hell from Here to China

Keeping up the praise of the Republican political machine is tedious stuff with the summer in full swing.  The primary debates have started and these guys have the Democrats stumped.  The candidates are able to just tell the President that they will never work with him for the rest of his presidency and the American people just except this because they have been convinced by the talking pol;itico machine that Obama hates America.  His bailing out banks, bailing out insurance companies, bailing out car companies and jump starting the economy was a disaster and the country would have easily recovered from the fiscal disaster by cutting corporate taxes and capital gains for all.  How that would have saved the industry which was folding on itself is never discussed.  Lots of tax cuts would have most likely raised the deficit just as the stimulus plans have created.

We need jobs, manufacturing jobs,  a place where non-college bound kids make a decent salary and pay taxes and social security.  Maybe it is time for some isolationist policies.  Don't tax the rich, tax the Chinese

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Death Ceiling Debate

The guns are out.  The machine has the American public convinced that the President's wantonness spending on the stimulus has reached epic proportions and now is the time to put a stop to it.  I couldn't agree more.

On one side, the Republicans, less spending, no new revenue generation.  Less taxes will bring in more spending revenue.  Hard to believe.  Who remembers the extension of the Bush tax cuts, that didn't work and then the chicken little cries last year when the tax cuts would expire and this would crush job creation.  We all gave in, totally afraid of that scenario, the tax cuts were saved but no new jobs.  The machine stop talking and the masses when back to Cage Fighting and American Idol.

On the other side, the Democrats, couldn't put together a clear message if they tried.  They need a Ross Perot out there.  A chart which shows clearly, our bills as a nation are 320 billion per month.  Our take home pay is 170 billion a month.  As a nation we need to cut expenses and get a second job.  A second job is revenue, that comes from taxes.  Before we begin asking the "rich" for more money, let us start by getting everyone to pay their taxes.  I am guessing you know someone who is paid off the books or pays their workers under the table, that is lost revenue.  Last year, GE paid no taxes, that is lost revenue.  Cut spending, cut loopholes, where do we stand now.  I am also being steam rolled into believing the government is too big.  Maybe our 320 billion a month is a good thing, maybe we need to get fixed loop holes and tax people more.  I am sufficiently confused as Congress.  When the machine rolls, the air waves are bombarded and no one can take refuge. 

Well, next week, August 2, something should happen.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Show me Trump's New York Birth Certificate

The faker and Trump got together this week in New York City.  Trump did some side show taking her for pizza and some chain restaurant.  What does Trump do, he eats his pizza with a knife and fork.  What nonsense, show me that man's New York birth certificate.  I am enjoying the Hannity show lately, he is just trying to give GOP candidates some air time, so it makes for a least some interesting listening.  His continuous stumping gets boring when it is just his one-sided conservative opinions.  You have to give his producers credit, no body with an opposing opinion can get passed the screeners unless they know Hannity is able to yell them down into submission.

The latest front runner for 2012, is Mitt Rommney, he is going to have a rough time with the GOP tea party curmudgeons.  He actually thought about health care for everyone.  I will enjoy watching him try to say how this is a bad idea and how the talk show shills will rectify that this socialist policy had its needs.  Mitt has been selling it as a solution for Mass. when things needed to be done and he was the man who has State rights as his first issue.  I am going to enjoy this next year.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Scramble Time

The radio shows were not given the heads up on the smack down on Osama.  All the shows for a day or two were saying Obama Hussein did a good job.  Their listeners were completely confused, how did the Socialist Commander in Chief ever let their comrade get captured and killed.  Even the Savage Weiner was "hey good job", and he even had a few kind words for Leon Pannetta, who he spent at least eleven actually hours berating him over the past year. 

That did not last long though, once the program was released on what to say to get the socialist, freedom hating Muslim out of the White house, the listeners all breathed a sigh of relief and the accusations started flying.  First, was the viewing of the capture of Osama was staged, next, why did he give a proper burial to a Muslim when every body knows, Osama is not a true Muslim.  Then it was a total lie because the white house could not get their stories straight, on just actually what went down.  Then it was Obama first time to ground zero, obviously to gloat over his political victory but  then he didn't make a speech so obviously he was not wanting to make his Muslim brothers angry.

These are the true events, you will never know went down in a secret operation carried out by Navy Seals.  My guess is Osama was brought back alive, tortured for the fun of it and then was toss alive into the Indian Ocean where if he was truly a religious holy man could have walked back to Pakistan.  In the end, the President proved that he doesn't hate the military, he does care about justice and the Republicans better find a real candidate soon or they will be watching the Obama girls go to high school.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

PinHeads and Susans

I am always excited to hear a new pinhead and susan on the radio.  This moron, and I used the word seriously, was subbing for Michael "Savage" Weiner and his name is Dwight Shultz.  When I search for his name in Google, I came up with some actor which I thought shared the same name but after further checking this pinhead and susan was one and the same.  Talk about some crazy conservative crap.  On this particular night, the ignorant child asks, "How is this night different than all the rest", he was dubbing New York Congressman Paul Tonko's conversation with somebody else's in the Whitehouse to make a point about how noone in the Whitehouse is serious about jobs.  The problem is he mentions earlier on in the program that he is going to do this and then fifteen minutes later plays his doctored tape.  Criminal yes but if you are a pinhead and susan it plays perfectly.  When you are nothing more than a political operations man, all methods are fair.  The truth is dead with these susans.

When the president was in the primary against Hillary Clinton, my thoughts were that if Clinton was elected these political susans would be out bombarding the airways from day one.  My thoughts were would it have been better to go with Obama that would give him some time to get this country out of Iraq and Afghanistan, send the criminals in Guantanamo Bay to some private prison in Texas which is looking for inmates anyway, ditch Medicare and Medicaid and enact Universal Health care before the political susans could bombard the airways with nonsense.  Any one remember, the blue dress impeachment affair of President Clinton.  Well that was all to late, the susans were obviously the best at what they do, as this blog will profess, and the president is bogged down in his own office defending off the full court press.

The Republicans will win back a lot, get the votes needed to get the presidency and then embark on eight years of do nothing while blaming everyone that the liberal media is against them. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Good Kick in the Pants

Most have probably heard that some guy who claims to be a religious holy man made good on his promise to burn the Koran some Podunk town in Florida.  So obviously, equally some people who called themselves religious people in Afghanistan, decided to go on a beserka rampage and kill seven United Nations workers.  What I think is that guy in Florida needs a good kick in the pants.  While we are at it, let us pack our gear and let the Afghans rejoice in killing each other.  I am done with them.

I  think the Bible, Koran and Torah are nothing more than a graphic fairy tale but I have the common sense and the ability to be tolerant of other people to not insult people who believe in that outlandish nonsense, something our conservatives and Muslim conservatives just can not figure out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Republicans Going for the Kill

The talking heads are sweeping in like the trained jackals they have been trained to be.  Every republican and especially every president want to be has the playbook.  Pile on the message, Obama has no specifiv mission in Libya, he is confused, he is unprepared, he is a flip flopper, no not another John Kerry.

Hannity had ex-mayor Guilliani on the show, what a puppet.  He gets leadership credit for forcing the homeless out of Times Square and being in NYC on 9/11.  He doesn't fool me, just a another paid consultant on thr Republican Committee.

Where are the real leaders, Obama can't fight off the rhetoric, he is going down fast. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Conservatives for Qaddafi in 2012

Can you believe this nonsense.  Now the Savage Weiner is all upset that the President agreed to participate in the NATO air strikes on Libya.  After that butcher killed our people in the plane bombing over Scotland and then the Scots release the guy who did it.  We can bomb that country for the two years and I personally do not care.  Also, bombing is good for industry, we will need to make more munitions, creating jobs.

Both Weiner and Hannity were upset that the president didn't consult the Congress first before taking military action.  Who believes they would have approved anything he wanted.  It would have been another Washington theatre production of "Let us make us prove we are smarter" by telling you no.  Do I believe we should enter the country, no let the French get their hands dirty, we are already in two conflicts with no possible future of leaving.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stealing the Rights of the People, Where is the Tea Party Now?

I do not understand how conservative minded people can support Governor Walker's shameless attempt to restrict the right of his citizens in the guise of balancing the budget.  As a long time fiscal conservative, I agree with the state workers contributing more to their pensions and health care, and as far as I can see, so do they, but this blatant attack on their right for representation has nothing to do with fiscal conservatism.  Tea Part people are for people's rights; I read the lenghty bill and see a lot of places where the Wisconsin government is setting its self up for some serious cronyism.

Take for example: no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project".

I work for New York's State government, and snippets like that can go a long way to sending Wisconsin into a pay for play nightmare.  Tea Party people are fighters for the people, they should denounce the union busting nonsense and get on the side of the people.  It is time to balance the budget, read the bill, balance the budget in Wisconsin, do not let shifty politicians hide behind the Tea Party's morals.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I am not sure how to spell that fool's name but it sounds right if you sound it out.  He came out today saying how the Egyptian revolution is similar and sparked on by the Iranian revolution 35 years ago.  This gave him a chance to praise the ousting of the US in the Middle East and also gave him a chance to slam Israel by threatening them with the ultimate Islam jihad.

Another enjoyable moment was when a caller from Alabama on the Sean Hannity show gave her opinion on Obama's positive take on the Egyptian revolution because he hosted Muslim people at the White house on the first day Ramadan.  He did do something for passover too, so either he is secretly courting Jews and Muslims or thios is just another of his tricks in his Jihadist playbook.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hussein, Noreiga and now Mubarak, Our Dictators

Now the conservative right wing is protecting our latest dictator.  The excuses are numerous, my favorite excuse is the one elegantly explained on the savage Weiner program tonight, Obana is a secret Muslim Brotherhood member and this is all part of some great plan from his Regime.  I always laugh when I hear Weiner talk about the Regime.  Another conservative belief for protecting the Mubarak government is any change in government will surely end up in an attack on Isreal.  Another conspiracy theory is the intervention by Saudi Arabia because they know the Muslim radicals will ignite the region.  Remember as long as the Mubarak government stays in power,everything in the region will stay as peaceful as it always was.

Mubarak is just another in a long line of dictators we have supported before cutting them loose when they weren't useful to us.  Who remembers Sadam when he was our man in the region or how about Noreiga when we were interested in the canal.  When will the conservatives realize they should be on the side of the protesters, people who arre interested in free elections, freedom of speech, rights afforded to them by God, yea all these people worship the same God, imagine that.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Attacks

If you listen to Sean Hannity you would think that the Muslim Brotherhood were marching in the streets in Cairo, ready to attack the US embassy.  He has his listeners convinced the spineless Obama is secreting meeting with them because one it is all part of his master plan to install sharia law in this country or two because he is so afraid  of these guy that it is better to welcome this band of revolutionaries.  The Muslim Brotherhood is not a viable contender in this revolution.  Egyptians want what our American right-wing wants, a freely elected democratic country.  Unfortunately for them, hawkish right wingers only want that for this country, unless you are the third largest oil source in the world and then your dictator must go.  Yes, I do mean Sadam.  Constantly, you hear Sean and the gang, comparing Egypt to Iran for some unknown reason.  It might be a guess but I am thinking Sean never been to Egypt.  If he did go, he would see that Egypt has more in common with Italy than Iran.  Wait, Egypt is Muslim, Iran is Muslim, Egypt is the same as Iran.  Turkey has a freely elected government, and I think women still roam he streets freely.  Right, these are Mediterranean countries and not Persian gulf countries.

The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is;
 "Allah is our objective. The prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. And dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu Akbar." Do you think Egyptians believe in that nonsense?  Egyptians want what we have, they see on the Internet, TV and hear it on the radio.  To try to compare them to Persians is insulting to them and to try to compare them to the illiterate Afghans is even more foolish.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Entertainer

Had the privilege to listen to Glen Beck yesterday.  He was stating how he really believed in Michele Bachman, "she get it" as he says.  Of course a man like Glen Beck will seeMichele Bachman as someone who gets it, she is like him.  Say anything to get yourself headlines and make some cash.  Like Madonna, Howard Stern, Sarah Palin, and Dr. Savage Weiner, being outrageous pays.  Michele has that mantra down - I am a average Joe like you -, you can trust me.  Blaming things on the Socialist these days is money in the bank.

Glen had some good points for his gullible callers.  The one caller was speaking about how Michele Bachman was distorting the Constitution and our forefathers were not accepting of women and African Americans or at the time slaves.  Glen pointed out that the writers of the Constitution needed to do this otherwise the South would have a greater proportion of voters and perhaps slavery might never be eliminated.  Sounds good but hard for people to understand and true it took another 100 years for any significant change in the Southern states.  Once he managed to get the caller to hang up in disgust, it became the typical Glen Beck Obnoxious Hour.  Beck and his two other buddies spent another twenty minutes berating the guy and yes linking him to all liberal people and of course the Socialists.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Blame Game

So the rhetoric just will not stop.  First some kid decides that it is time to make a statement and bring a Glock automatic gun to a public meeting and attempt to kill Congresswoman, Gabrille Giffords.  In his insanity ended up killing nine other people and wounding many others.  Next, some journalists and the sheriff on the scene start blaming conservative talk show people for creating a world of hatred for everything not conservative and the show begins.  Here is where we come, Conservative talk radio goes on the offensive.  Within two days everyone is declaring that the liberal media is on the attack and they are no way to blame.  Of course they are not to blame, their first amendment rights allow them to say what ever they want whenever they want and the consequences are other peoples problem.

Sean Hannity even started telling people that this kid has a copy of Mien Kanf and the communist manifesto, covering all his bases so no one will be able to link this kid to being a conservative of any kind.  He did aim for one of Sarah Palin's cross hair congressional districts and not some conservative district.  The number of conservative districts far out number the number of democratic districts so if the shooting was completely random the chances of a conservative being targeted would be higher but statistics usually are useless in these matters when we are dealing with crazy people.

My only point is the hateful conservative rhetoric has been around since Bill Clinton's time, it is the conservative radio way.  Their message is clear, if you are not conservative, you are not allowed a voice in this country, it is only logical, conservative means intolerant.  Sean Hannity always talks about how liberals are just the same with their hate speech but I only remember liberals making fun of President Bush's C average.