courtsey of some right wing blogger

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Good Kick in the Pants

Most have probably heard that some guy who claims to be a religious holy man made good on his promise to burn the Koran some Podunk town in Florida.  So obviously, equally some people who called themselves religious people in Afghanistan, decided to go on a beserka rampage and kill seven United Nations workers.  What I think is that guy in Florida needs a good kick in the pants.  While we are at it, let us pack our gear and let the Afghans rejoice in killing each other.  I am done with them.

I  think the Bible, Koran and Torah are nothing more than a graphic fairy tale but I have the common sense and the ability to be tolerant of other people to not insult people who believe in that outlandish nonsense, something our conservatives and Muslim conservatives just can not figure out.

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