courtsey of some right wing blogger

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hussein, Noreiga and now Mubarak, Our Dictators

Now the conservative right wing is protecting our latest dictator.  The excuses are numerous, my favorite excuse is the one elegantly explained on the savage Weiner program tonight, Obana is a secret Muslim Brotherhood member and this is all part of some great plan from his Regime.  I always laugh when I hear Weiner talk about the Regime.  Another conservative belief for protecting the Mubarak government is any change in government will surely end up in an attack on Isreal.  Another conspiracy theory is the intervention by Saudi Arabia because they know the Muslim radicals will ignite the region.  Remember as long as the Mubarak government stays in power,everything in the region will stay as peaceful as it always was.

Mubarak is just another in a long line of dictators we have supported before cutting them loose when they weren't useful to us.  Who remembers Sadam when he was our man in the region or how about Noreiga when we were interested in the canal.  When will the conservatives realize they should be on the side of the protesters, people who arre interested in free elections, freedom of speech, rights afforded to them by God, yea all these people worship the same God, imagine that.

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