courtsey of some right wing blogger

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Show me Trump's New York Birth Certificate

The faker and Trump got together this week in New York City.  Trump did some side show taking her for pizza and some chain restaurant.  What does Trump do, he eats his pizza with a knife and fork.  What nonsense, show me that man's New York birth certificate.  I am enjoying the Hannity show lately, he is just trying to give GOP candidates some air time, so it makes for a least some interesting listening.  His continuous stumping gets boring when it is just his one-sided conservative opinions.  You have to give his producers credit, no body with an opposing opinion can get passed the screeners unless they know Hannity is able to yell them down into submission.

The latest front runner for 2012, is Mitt Rommney, he is going to have a rough time with the GOP tea party curmudgeons.  He actually thought about health care for everyone.  I will enjoy watching him try to say how this is a bad idea and how the talk show shills will rectify that this socialist policy had its needs.  Mitt has been selling it as a solution for Mass. when things needed to be done and he was the man who has State rights as his first issue.  I am going to enjoy this next year.


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