courtsey of some right wing blogger

Saturday, April 23, 2011

PinHeads and Susans

I am always excited to hear a new pinhead and susan on the radio.  This moron, and I used the word seriously, was subbing for Michael "Savage" Weiner and his name is Dwight Shultz.  When I search for his name in Google, I came up with some actor which I thought shared the same name but after further checking this pinhead and susan was one and the same.  Talk about some crazy conservative crap.  On this particular night, the ignorant child asks, "How is this night different than all the rest", he was dubbing New York Congressman Paul Tonko's conversation with somebody else's in the Whitehouse to make a point about how noone in the Whitehouse is serious about jobs.  The problem is he mentions earlier on in the program that he is going to do this and then fifteen minutes later plays his doctored tape.  Criminal yes but if you are a pinhead and susan it plays perfectly.  When you are nothing more than a political operations man, all methods are fair.  The truth is dead with these susans.

When the president was in the primary against Hillary Clinton, my thoughts were that if Clinton was elected these political susans would be out bombarding the airways from day one.  My thoughts were would it have been better to go with Obama that would give him some time to get this country out of Iraq and Afghanistan, send the criminals in Guantanamo Bay to some private prison in Texas which is looking for inmates anyway, ditch Medicare and Medicaid and enact Universal Health care before the political susans could bombard the airways with nonsense.  Any one remember, the blue dress impeachment affair of President Clinton.  Well that was all to late, the susans were obviously the best at what they do, as this blog will profess, and the president is bogged down in his own office defending off the full court press.

The Republicans will win back a lot, get the votes needed to get the presidency and then embark on eight years of do nothing while blaming everyone that the liberal media is against them. 

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