courtsey of some right wing blogger

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Entertainer

Had the privilege to listen to Glen Beck yesterday.  He was stating how he really believed in Michele Bachman, "she get it" as he says.  Of course a man like Glen Beck will seeMichele Bachman as someone who gets it, she is like him.  Say anything to get yourself headlines and make some cash.  Like Madonna, Howard Stern, Sarah Palin, and Dr. Savage Weiner, being outrageous pays.  Michele has that mantra down - I am a average Joe like you -, you can trust me.  Blaming things on the Socialist these days is money in the bank.

Glen had some good points for his gullible callers.  The one caller was speaking about how Michele Bachman was distorting the Constitution and our forefathers were not accepting of women and African Americans or at the time slaves.  Glen pointed out that the writers of the Constitution needed to do this otherwise the South would have a greater proportion of voters and perhaps slavery might never be eliminated.  Sounds good but hard for people to understand and true it took another 100 years for any significant change in the Southern states.  Once he managed to get the caller to hang up in disgust, it became the typical Glen Beck Obnoxious Hour.  Beck and his two other buddies spent another twenty minutes berating the guy and yes linking him to all liberal people and of course the Socialists.

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