If you listen to Sean Hannity you would think that the Muslim Brotherhood were marching in the streets in Cairo, ready to attack the US embassy. He has his listeners convinced the spineless Obama is secreting meeting with them because one it is all part of his master plan to install sharia law in this country or two because he is so afraid of these guy that it is better to welcome this band of revolutionaries. The Muslim Brotherhood is not a viable contender in this revolution. Egyptians want what our American right-wing wants, a freely elected democratic country. Unfortunately for them, hawkish right wingers only want that for this country, unless you are the third largest oil source in the world and then your dictator must go. Yes, I do mean Sadam. Constantly, you hear Sean and the gang, comparing Egypt to Iran for some unknown reason. It might be a guess but I am thinking Sean never been to Egypt. If he did go, he would see that Egypt has more in common with Italy than Iran. Wait, Egypt is Muslim, Iran is Muslim, Egypt is the same as Iran. Turkey has a freely elected government, and I think women still roam he streets freely. Right, these are Mediterranean countries and not Persian gulf countries.
The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is;
"Allah is our objective. The prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. And dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu Akbar." Do you think Egyptians believe in that nonsense? Egyptians want what we have, they see on the Internet, TV and hear it on the radio. To try to compare them to Persians is insulting to them and to try to compare them to the illiterate Afghans is even more foolish.
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