courtsey of some right wing blogger

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What is President Obama Thinking

The president's latest try to walk the middle ground has the talk shows beaming.  Not only did the conservatives score big by not paying another dime in taxes, the president gave then a solid two weeks of fodder by allowing more spending on those wretched unemployed people.  I did not catch his name, he was on after Hannity but he was convinced there is this whole population of Obama supporters who just sit around drinking and cheering the Obama-man.  I grew up believing that if you are short on money you should increase your income and reduce spending or least some sort of combination of these.  What the president did was just the opposite, increase spending and not increase income.  I would have thought that letting the tax rates return to pre-Clinton levels while reducing spending would help us get out of debt, this is not believed to be correct.  The economic theory is that by extending unemployment benefits, we get $1.50 in commerce for every $1.0 spent.  Where I cannot argue this fact, I am one to believe that Americans have lived way beyond their means for the past twenty years and the Visa bill is due, it is time to suck it up.

Oh yea, those small business people who were so worried about their taxes increasing and in turn be unable to hire new people, your fears are over.  Start hiring, my brother is looking for work.

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