courtsey of some right wing blogger

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blogging Hell from Here to China

Keeping up the praise of the Republican political machine is tedious stuff with the summer in full swing.  The primary debates have started and these guys have the Democrats stumped.  The candidates are able to just tell the President that they will never work with him for the rest of his presidency and the American people just except this because they have been convinced by the talking pol;itico machine that Obama hates America.  His bailing out banks, bailing out insurance companies, bailing out car companies and jump starting the economy was a disaster and the country would have easily recovered from the fiscal disaster by cutting corporate taxes and capital gains for all.  How that would have saved the industry which was folding on itself is never discussed.  Lots of tax cuts would have most likely raised the deficit just as the stimulus plans have created.

We need jobs, manufacturing jobs,  a place where non-college bound kids make a decent salary and pay taxes and social security.  Maybe it is time for some isolationist policies.  Don't tax the rich, tax the Chinese