courtsey of some right wing blogger

Monday, May 9, 2011

Scramble Time

The radio shows were not given the heads up on the smack down on Osama.  All the shows for a day or two were saying Obama Hussein did a good job.  Their listeners were completely confused, how did the Socialist Commander in Chief ever let their comrade get captured and killed.  Even the Savage Weiner was "hey good job", and he even had a few kind words for Leon Pannetta, who he spent at least eleven actually hours berating him over the past year. 

That did not last long though, once the program was released on what to say to get the socialist, freedom hating Muslim out of the White house, the listeners all breathed a sigh of relief and the accusations started flying.  First, was the viewing of the capture of Osama was staged, next, why did he give a proper burial to a Muslim when every body knows, Osama is not a true Muslim.  Then it was a total lie because the white house could not get their stories straight, on just actually what went down.  Then it was Obama first time to ground zero, obviously to gloat over his political victory but  then he didn't make a speech so obviously he was not wanting to make his Muslim brothers angry.

These are the true events, you will never know went down in a secret operation carried out by Navy Seals.  My guess is Osama was brought back alive, tortured for the fun of it and then was toss alive into the Indian Ocean where if he was truly a religious holy man could have walked back to Pakistan.  In the end, the President proved that he doesn't hate the military, he does care about justice and the Republicans better find a real candidate soon or they will be watching the Obama girls go to high school.