courtsey of some right wing blogger

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Republicans Going for the Kill

The talking heads are sweeping in like the trained jackals they have been trained to be.  Every republican and especially every president want to be has the playbook.  Pile on the message, Obama has no specifiv mission in Libya, he is confused, he is unprepared, he is a flip flopper, no not another John Kerry.

Hannity had ex-mayor Guilliani on the show, what a puppet.  He gets leadership credit for forcing the homeless out of Times Square and being in NYC on 9/11.  He doesn't fool me, just a another paid consultant on thr Republican Committee.

Where are the real leaders, Obama can't fight off the rhetoric, he is going down fast. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Conservatives for Qaddafi in 2012

Can you believe this nonsense.  Now the Savage Weiner is all upset that the President agreed to participate in the NATO air strikes on Libya.  After that butcher killed our people in the plane bombing over Scotland and then the Scots release the guy who did it.  We can bomb that country for the two years and I personally do not care.  Also, bombing is good for industry, we will need to make more munitions, creating jobs.

Both Weiner and Hannity were upset that the president didn't consult the Congress first before taking military action.  Who believes they would have approved anything he wanted.  It would have been another Washington theatre production of "Let us make us prove we are smarter" by telling you no.  Do I believe we should enter the country, no let the French get their hands dirty, we are already in two conflicts with no possible future of leaving.